When To Harvest Broccolini

Broccolini, a hybrid of broccoli and Chinese kale, is a versatile vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes.

But how do you know when to harvest broccolini?

Keep reading to find out.

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How To Know When To Harvest Broccolini


Broccolini is typically ready to harvest about 50-60 days after planting.

If you live in an area with warm winters, you can plant in late summer or early fall for a fall/winter harvest.

In areas with cold winters, plant in early spring for a spring/summer harvest.

You will know it is ready when the stalks are 6-8 inches long and the florets are about 1 inch in diameter. 

You can also give the stem a gentle squeeze. If it’s tender, then it’s time to harvest. If it’s still hard, then leave it on the plant for a few more days.

You can also check the color of the florets to harvest. They should be a deep green, with no yellow or brown spots.

If the broccolini is starting to yellow, then it’s past its prime and you should not harvest it.

You should harvest broccolini in the morning after the dew has evaporated.

When Should You Not Harvest Broccolini?


There are a few times when you should not harvest broccolini.

  • The weather forecast calls for frost.

Broccolini is a cold-sensitive vegetable, so if there’s even a chance of frost, don’t harvest it.

You can wait until the weather warms up again.

  • Signs of pests or diseases.

These can include wilting leaves, brown spots on the leaves, or stunted growth.

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If you see any of these signs, then don’t harvest the plant and instead consult with a gardening expert about how to treat the problem.

  • Yellow Flowers

Broccolini plants will produce small yellow flowers when they are starting to go to seed. These flowers are edible, but they can make the broccolini taste bitter.

If you see any yellow flowers on the plant, it is best to avoid it.

  • Small Size

Broccolini plants can range in size from 6 inches to 2 feet tall. The smaller the plant, the more tender the stalks will be.

If the plant is taller than 2 feet, the stalks will be tough and woody. It is best to choose broccolini which is on the smaller side.

  • Woody Stems

Woody stems are another indication that the plant is past its prime. The stems should be green and tender, not brown and woody.

If the stems are woody, they will be tough and difficult to eat.

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Where Should You Cut Broccolini For Pick?


You cuts should be made at the very tips of the stalks, just above the smallest broccoli florets.

This will allow you to harvest individual florets of broccolini instead of having to pick large clusters or whole spears.

Closer cuts will also promote faster regrowth and more tender greens while leaving larger gaps in between cuts can result in the development of tough stems or small buds.

With younger broccolini plants, you can be cut closer to the base of the plant in order to promote new growth.

While more mature plants may require a higher cut in order to protect the larger leaves and stems.

How To Harvest Broccolini


To harvest broccolini, you should select a healthy bunch of broccolini plants with firm stems and bright green leaves.

Then cutting off individual florets using a pair of sharp scissors or a knife.

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Harvest only as much as you need from each plant to ensure that it continues to grow and thrive, taking care not to cut more than 1/3 of its overall size. 

It is important to keep in mind that broccolini should be harvested frequently in order to maintain optimal yields and quality throughout the growing season. 

You can harvest from 3-4 batches, with each harvest usually spanning 2-3 weeks each.

How Can I Store My Broccolini After Harvesting?

You can store your broccolini in the fridge in an airtight container filled with a little bit of water. This will keep the vegetables hydrated, while also blocking out exposure to air and heat that could cause them to spoil prematurely.

You can also blanch your broccolini before storing it. This involves briefly boiling the vegetables in hot water before cooling them off and storing them in the fridge or freezer.

Broccolini should use within a few days of harvesting so that you can enjoy all its health benefits.

How To Cooking Broccolini

To cook broccolini, you rinse broccolini under cool water to remove any dirt or other impurities.

Then, slice your broccolini into bite-sized pieces and add them to a pot of boiling water. Cook your broccolini for about 5-10 minutes, until it is al dente or tender but still slightly crisp.

You can also simply saute it in a bit of oil over medium heat until tender and slightly charred.

Alternatively, you can roast broccolini with some olive oil and seasonings in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until browned – this makes a delicious and healthy main dish or side dish option.

Another way to cook broccolini is with spicy Asian sauces like sriracha or hoisin – simply toss your trimmed broccolini stalks with the sauce in a wok or skillet over medium-high heat until fully cooked and coated in flavor.

Does Broccolini Grow Again After Harvest?

The answer depends on a number of different factors.

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It depends on how you harvest your broccolini plants.

If you cut the main stalk of the plant at ground level, then there is no way for new growth to occur.

If you leave some of the plants intact with roots attached, then new shoots and leaves may appear after a period of time.

In addition, whether or not broccolini grows again also depends on when it’s harvested.

If you wait until all the leaves on a plant have turned yellow or brown, then it’s unlikely that any new growth will occur.

However, if the foliage is still fresh and vibrant before you harvest it, then there’s a good chance that you’ll see some regrowth from leftover stalks and shoots in the future.

Can Harvest Broccoli Too Early?

Yes, it is possible to harvest broccoli early.

You can successfully harvest a number of small, tender florets from your broccoli plants before they reach full maturity.

To do this, you will need to closely monitor the growth of your broccoli plants and keep them well-watered and protected when necessary.

You may also need to take steps like removing flower heads or replanting your crops if temperatures get too hot.

Can You Eat Flowering Broccolini?

The simple answer to this question is yes, you can absolutely eat flowering broccolini.

In fact, the flower buds of this tasty little vegetable are often considered a delicacy and are sought after by foodies and home cooks alike.

Not only do the tender white buds have a delicious, slightly peppery flavor, but they also contain many beneficial nutrients like vitamins A, C, K, and folate.

What Does Broccolini Look Like When Growing?

Broccolini is a young, green vegetable that has a long, thin stem and clusters of small, leafy green shoots. When growing, broccolini also features small yellow flowers that can be either male or female.


I hope that this blog post has helped you understand a bit more about when to harvest broccolini. Remember, the heads should be firm and the florets should be tight and green.

You can always give it a try by harvesting a small piece if you’re not sure.

And once you’ve harvested, steamed broccolini with lemon juice and salt is a delicious way to enjoy it.
